Source code for nameko_chassis.debug

import textwrap
from typing import List

    import rich  # noqa
    from rich.columns import Columns  # noqa
    from rich.console import RenderableType  # noqa
    from rich.panel import Panel  # noqa

    has_rich = True
except ImportError:
    has_rich = False

from .service import ServiceState

[docs]def debug_runner(runner): """ Dump debug information about service state to standard output. Call this method from within nameko backdoor which exposes a ``runner`` local variable. If rich_ is available, the output will be way prettier than you'd expect :) .. _rich: """ func = debug_state_rich if has_rich else debug_state_simple for container in runner.containers: service_state = ServiceState.from_container(container) func(service_state)
[docs]def debug_state_simple(state: ServiceState) -> None: """ Print service state to stdout with some rudimentary formatting. """ print( f"Container for service '{state.service_name}' with {len(state.entrypoints)} entrypoints and {len(state.dependencies)} dependencies" ) print(f"Running {state.running_workers}/{state.max_workers} worker threads:") for i, worker_state in enumerate(state.worker_states): print( textwrap.dedent( f""" ------------ Thread #{i}: {worker_state.class_name}.{worker_state.method_name} Args: {worker_state.args} Kwargs: {worker_state.kwargs} Context data: {} """ ) ) print("".join(worker_state.stacktrace))
[docs]def debug_state_rich(state: ServiceState) -> None: """ Pretty-print service state using rich. """ renderables: List[RenderableType] = [ f"""{len(state.entrypoints)} entrypoints {len(state.dependencies)} dependencies Running {state.running_workers}/{state.max_workers} worker threads""" ] for i, worker_state in enumerate(state.worker_states): formatted_stack = "".join( f"[bold]{line}[/bold]" if "site-packages" not in line else f"[dim]{line}[/dim]" for line in worker_state.stacktrace ) renderables.append( Panel( f""" Args: {worker_state.args} Kwargs: {worker_state.kwargs} Context data: {} Traceback: {formatted_stack}""", title=f"Thread #{i}: [magenta]{worker_state.class_name}.{worker_state.method_name}[/magenta]", ) ) rich.print(Panel(Columns(renderables), title=f"[bold]{state.service_name}[/bold]"))